
Thursday 30 May 2024

Musicals Afternoon Tea

I do enjoy the sea days as much as visiting new places. I also enjoy making an effort for dinner, not dress to impress evening wear but the chance to be less casual than when being a tourist on land.

The middle Sunday, a sea day, of our cruise gave an opportunity to 'go posh' in the afternoon. Once on every cruise there is Musicals Afternoon Tea in The Dining Club, there was an additional charge for this but it was worth every penny.

Each table was immaculately laid, even with opera glasses. The menu was themed on various musical songs and George, the ship's Musical Director, played the piano in our exclusive dining room for about 30 people.

Our Kir cocktail was served with the most amazing popcorn, each piece seemed to have a different flavour, not just sweet or salty. 

Our first course just confused me. A cold strawberry and Cointreau soup that my brain said 'no' to but which delighted my tastebuds. I would never have served a cold sweet soup as a starter but it was superb and a perfect light start to our afternoon tea experience.

George played a variety of songs from various musicals and after a while gave a welcome to us all announcing 'be our guest' and striking up the said song from Beauty and the Beast. Upon which all the waiters paraded round the room carrying the three tiered afternoon teas, it was quite a moment. 

The Afternoon Tea was amazing, I have enjoyed quite a few of these in some very expensive hotels and this was by far one of the best. Delicious sandwiches, warm scones and a selection of small cakes each with a theatrical style. 

When the waiters had been parading round I recognised two of the show cast. They appeared a little later carrying, then dropping a tray of cutlery and bursting into 'Anything you can do I can do better'.

What a treat to have George playing and two of the show cast singing live, they performed a few show songs which had everyone smiling ... it was an amazing experience.

I absolutely loved The Musicals Afternoon Tea, a real treat midway through our travels from west to east. 

1 comment:

  1. Brilliant blog Clare. Glad you're having such a wonderful time. It's lovely 😍


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