
Tuesday 26 January 2021

Burns Night

Throughout the year I like to match our food and drink with special days, some are because we would celebrate anyway but others are just an excuse to enjoy different things.

Yesterday was Burns Night when Scotland celebrates its poetic Baird by traditionally having haggis. Neither Hubby or I have any Scottish blood but we do like haggis and after our 2019 tour of Scotland we're quite partial to a wee dram of whisky. 

We had a little trouble this year finding our haggis. We are using online deliveries for our food and shop at either Asda, Tesco or Sainsbury's. Our first order with haggis on was from Asda ... we received haggis in a tin! 

Our next order was more successful as Tesco delivered a proper haggis from Simon Howie, sadly it was a little disappointing as it was so salty. Hubby looked at the ingredients and the salt content was very high. I did enjoy my Swede, carrots and butternut squash though. 

We had a simple dessert; raspberries with cream and Paterson's Scottish shortbread - delicious.

The highlight of the night was our wee dram. This year we opened a bottle of Old Pultney 12 year old. Hubby spotted it before Christmas on offer in Sainsbury's so of course it was added to a shopping delivery. 

As always with whisky it got better as we warmed the glass in our hands. We both thought of Christmas when drinking this, pudding or cake. It had dried fruit, honey, caramel and a hint of vanilla. A lovely smooth finish without any burn especially when nicely warmed.

We did enjoy our nod to Scotland, it was nice to remember our trip and dream of another tour one day, there's plenty more to whisky to find! I'm really looking forward to sharing a dram or two with friends when life allows, I just hope and pray we don't have to wait until next Burns Night. 

1 comment:

  1. I wouldn't have expected to receive haggis in a tin! Shame that the Simon Howie one was too salty.


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