
Monday 20 April 2020

Battenburg.... with a difference

Aimetu's is all about wine, food and travel, the foodie bits are often my themed dinner parties which also focus on wine. This post is about just one thing..... CAKE! 

During our staycation Hubby and I have been enjoying afternoon coffee and homemade cake whilst watching the latest No. 10 update. A treat (not the update) to look forward to and I get to bake. So far we have had a Victoria Sponge, Coffee & Walnut and Chocolate Coconut. 

I have never made a Battenburg, mainly because it looks tricky but reading the recipe I wasn't as daunted. So, with great excitement and apron on (I can be a bit messy) I started getting the required ingredients together ....

... oops I knew it would be tricky ... no food colouring, the important part of a beautiful pink and yellow Battenburg. 

Not one to be daunted by a problem I spied a tin of cocoa and hey presto a chocolate and vanilla Battenburg was the result. I have to say it is delicious (we have two slices left) and will be baked again - here's the recipe

175g softened margarine or butter
175g caster sugar 
3 eggs
175g self raising flour 
Few drops of vanilla extract
30g cocoa powder

Chocolate spread
Packet of marzipan (I used white)

Line a baking tin, mine was about 8" square. I  folded the baking paper to divide the tin in half. Set the oven to 160 degree C.

Mix together the margarine, sugar, eggs and flour beating really well until it's light and fluffy. Divide the mixture into two bowls, add the vanilla to one and the cocoa to the other. Fill the baking tray with the mixtures, one each side of the dividing paper.

I'm such an 'as is' cook so cake is done when I can smell it ... I think it was around 20 minutes. The big danger with sponge is if you open the door too soon it may sink so I keep looking until I feel it's save to venture in with the testing skewer. 

Straight from the oven,  my skewer came out clean
Turned out nicely, time to cool
Cut into four equal pieces
Baking successfully done it was time to think about alternative filling. The jam in an original Battenburg did not seem right with chocolate and vanilla so I used chocolate spread. Straight from the jar it was a little thick so I 'let it down' with some milk. Another make it up as I go along idea but it worked !
Smooth chocolate spread 
Now the exciting, and nerve wracking part, would it fit together, would the chocolate spread work ... only one way to find out.

Chocolate piece and vanilla piece joined together with
chocolate spread, more spread on top
Vanilla on top of the first chocolate piece
Chocolate on top of the first vanilla piece
Now the four pieces are together it was time to wrap it up in marzipan. I had some in the cupboard as I usually make a Simnel Cake for my Mum and Keith at Easter but this year I couldn't make them one due to our restrictions.

I rolled it out to a long oblong (ish), I don't know how thin it was, I just rolled until it looked a big enough oblong and spread a layer of chocolate spread in the middle about the size of my cake.

Marzipan rolled out with Dad's old rolling pin
chocolate spread in the middle
Phew, it was the right size!
I now covered the cake in chocolate spread and wrapped it up in the marzipan. It just about met, I squished the join together but no-one sees the underneath. Turning the cake over I carefully trimmed the edges of the marzipan to the size of the cake. 
Hey presto - it looks like a Battenburg 
Oh my what fun I had, I do enjoy baking and I do enjoy putting my own mark on things. This was such fun, a little daunting at times but it all turned good in the end.

Hubby and I love this cake, the sponge is so light, the chocolate spread perfect as a filling and the marzipan goes great with the chocolate and vanilla flavour.

A 'make it up' cake that I'll be making again!

Absolutely  delicious 


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