
Friday 23 January 2015

Embarrassing but ....

.... I did my best. No not wine tasting or holidaying but at home, Maison Hearnden. I have not been able to feed the birds for the last few years as Ruby loved to chase them and had no concept of the conservatory doors being closed !!

Anyway this winter I have been putting out feeders and slowly the birds have started to arrive. In fact being winter there are probably more feeding stations than flowers. I absolutely love sitting in the conservatory doing my online work, stitching or reading watching these feathered friends pop by.

The embarrassment? well I have tried to take some photos using my phone or my mini camera which is a Nikon 5x so does not zoom very far. With my MS I have internal tremors so although I appear not to be moving my hands can be shaky - not the best when trying to take a photo. There is of course the problem of reflection on the windows and staying hidden in a conservatory ....

.... so many many apologies to all photographers but I did try :-)

Firstly the Thrush, but it took a while to decide whether she/he is a Song Thrush or Mistletoe Thrush - vote is leaning towards a Song Thrush

On top of the conifers checking it's all clear
A little closer but still hiding
Still hiding
Safely made it

and she/he is hiding because we have a very aggressive female Blackbird who thinks our garden belongs to her. She chases the Thrush, male Blackbirds and small birds - her dive bombing skills are amazing.

It's my garden !!
We also have a number of Blue Tits and Great Tits flying in to grab a morsel before darting off again - I hope one day they will learn to pose for the camera but I have managed a few photos.

Can you see the Thrush hiding?
Blue Tit
We've had a resident Jenny Wren for a number of years and the other day she/he had a huge green caterpillar. It was fascinating to watch her manoeuvre such a large morsel but down it went - quite weird seeing the large bulge in her/his throat. I tried to get some photos but they are very blurry.
Jenny Wren and the caterpillar
'It's almost as big as me!'
We also have a pair of Robins but as yet I have not been able to catch them on camera. I think the other day there was a Coal Tit and maybe a Marsh Tit with it's predominant black cap. There has also been a small brown bird, on its own and staying hidden most of the times in the bushes, that visits most days. It's very quick and likes to feed upside down on the feeder. I have caught a few shots and am wondering if it's a Dunnock as it does not have the markings and characteristics of a Sparrow. I would appreciate any comments on it, thanks.

Of course we have pigeons and it is amusing to see them land on the bird table, look at the food and try to work out just how to land in the right place. I have been putting a few tip bits on the gravel for them to ground feed, they always look so dopey.
'I'm sure there is a way in somewhere'
Finally we have some none feathered visitors who consume as many nuts as I put out - but if I keep their feeder filled they leave the others alone. They have finally stopped eating my spring bulbs too so hopefully the crocus, daffodils and tulips will appear soon.

'These nuts belong to me'
Family feeding time
As I said I tried my best with my limited camera - Sunday is the RSPB Big Garden Bird Watch which I am really looking forward to as previous years I have seen no birds in the hour. I might get the better camera out with the zoom lens too.


  1. The photos look great - they don't particularly look like you've been shaking.

  2. Ive started to put food out for the birds too, our cats dont venture out in the winter so its ok. You got some lovely pictures :-) xx

  3. Definitely a song thrush Clare. Great photos. I have recently started a blog - if you would like to have a look you will find it at

  4. You've got a wonderful selection if differing birds Clare. Super pics.

  5. Lovely pics of the feathered friends Clare,It gives so much pleasure watching them doesn't it. We had a sparrow hawk come and take a greenfinch the other morning , did not like that one much but I suppose they have to eat too.
    Hope you get lots of birds visiting in your hour.

  6. That caterpillar was nearly as big as the wren! I'll be doing the birdwatch tomorrow too. Last year was awful, they stayed away in droves, hoping for a better count this year


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