
Monday 25 August 2014

Chateau Hearnden - a new

I used to make wine before the children were born and when they were young. It became too time consuming with a young family and so my hobby lapsed but now I have decided to have another go.

Being as today is a Bank Holiday we invited our Mums and their other halves over for a buffet and a very special wine tasting - Chateau Hearnden trio.

I best just explain for my facebook friends as I often have different names for what may seem the same location - so .........

Chateau Hearnden is my winery - located at ......
Masion Hearnden which is home
Gite Hearnden is our holiday caravan in Wales

Chateau Hearnden trio
Dandelion wine - a very dry wine with a dandelion floral fragrance and a sharp finish. It does need a few more weeks to fully clear.
Rhubarb wine - a full nose of rhubarb and a lovely rosé hue. A sweeter wine but not a dessert wine. A slight fizz and lots of flavour - the favourite.
Elderflower wine - a dessert wine with a floral nose, quite syrupy and excellent with Eton Mess.
Before we enjoyed the buffet and wine tasting we visited St Laurence's Church at Ansley as it is their Flower Festival. This year I took part and did an arrangement. The festival is on the theme of Gold s it's its 50th anniversary; my piece however was just a corner fill for the old chairs and piano. I quite enjoyed it.
The light wasn't very good today with the weather being so awful but I managed to get a few photos.
My arrangement

I have been quite quiet in blogland lately but September and October are going to be busy, busy, busy so this is a heads up for 'over blogging'. We have a wine tasting in London, holiday in France, visit to Lille, Round 4 wine tasting at scouts and a holiday in Turkey !
On a sad note we lost our lovely Ruby a few weeks ago. She was a rescue dog who has had five full and lively years with us and we miss her so much.
Me and Ruby Rose

She loved being on the beach with Nick
Thank you for calling by Aimetu's - if you like stitching there's news on Aimetu's Stitching

1 comment:

  1. The flowers looks wonderful.
    Well done on the wine making


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